Case Study

Boehringer Ingelheim

Boehringer Ingelheim Healthcare Industry Picture

GAMEIN's VR Healthcare Simulation for Boehringer<br> Ingelheim: A Case Study on IPF Awareness

Executive Summary

GAMEIN developed a groundbreaking

Boehringer Ingelheim Healthcare Metaverse Picture

The program was designed to:


Leveraging the Meta Quest

Key Features

Simulated Symptom Experience:

Real-time simulation of breathlessness and fatigue associated with IPF.

Haptic Feedback Technology:

Real-time simulation of breathlessness and fatigue associated with IPF.

Environmental Effects:

Air fans were strategically used to replicate the difficulty in breathing.

Cultural Localization:

The journey was adapted for the Turkish market with cultural sensitivity.

Boehringer Ingelheim Healthcare Metaverse Picture

The VR experience led to transformative outcomes:

Doctors and healthcare visitors reported a profound increase in empathy and insight into the IPF patient experience.

The VR journey significantly improved the understanding of the disease’s impact on daily activities.

Feedback from the localized Turkish version affirmed the effectiveness of the cultural adaptation in the learning process.


GAMEIN's VR Simulation

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