Case Study

Dubai Municipality

Dubai Municipality Government Picture

GAMEIN's Digital Twin Project for Dubai Municipality: A Case Study in Urban IoT Integration

Executive Summary

GAMEIN spearheaded the development

3D Digital Twin Of Dubai Picture

The initiative was crafted to:

Objective Descriptive Picture

Through an exact 3D

Key Features

Live IoT Data Visualization:

Interactive elements within the 3D cityscape displayed real-time data from sensors.

Interactive Building Visits:

Users could virtually enter buildings to access specific sensor readouts.

Comprehensive Sensor Array:

Integration of fog, humidity, septic tank levels, and vehicle tracking sensors.

Urban Planning Tool:

Offered as a utility for city planners to simulate and optimize municipal operations.

Urban Planning Tool:

Offered as a utility for city planners to simulate and optimize municipal operations.

3D Digital Twin Of Dubai Picture

The digital twin city project achieved the following results:

Enhanced efficiency in urban management by providing a central hub for live data access.

Improved response times to environmental changes and municipal needs through instant data relay.

Empowered city planners with a detailed, scalable model of Dubai for simulation and future forecasting.


The Digital Twin Project for Dubai

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